Affiliated with


Washington County

Community Bicycle Center


137 NE 3rd Ave.

Hillsboro, OR 97124




Tues-Sat 10-5pm

Sunday noon to 4pm

Closed Monday


Shop Website 

Want to stay in the know? Sign up for our monthly newsletter!

Email & Social Media Marketing by VerticalResponse


Want to volunteer?

A team of volunteers from Intel
A team of volunteers from Intel


Did you know that our volunteers collectively donate over 500 hours each month? 


WashCo Bikes is staffed almost entirely by volunteer labor.  Our volunteers include bike mechanics, event managers, educators, and more.   We couldn't do our work without our volunteers.  We welcome groups, so think about us when you are planning your next service project for your coworkers, scout troop, or church group. Whether you can spare one hour a week or 20 hours a month, we would love to have you in our community! 




Volunteer Application




 For Board Openings

We can't wait to hear from you!

Words from our Executive Director


WashCo Bikes is a great organization that does a lot for the community. We can't do it alone. Volunteers are needed to help us move bikes along. Let us know if you'd like to join forces with us. Fill out the application and my staff or I will be in touch. 


If you want to have a volunteer day with your fellow company employees, we can also arrange for that.