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2024 WashCo Bikes Vision Statement

  • We see a future where bicycling is seen as a safe and practical choice for most short distance trips as well as many medium or long distance trips.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  • We see a future where Washington County residents, businesses, and local governments prioritize and support bicycling through safe and practical infrastructure and bicycle-friendly regulations.                                                                                                                                                  
  • We see a future where bicycling and bike safety are taught in schools and educational institutions, and where similar education is widely available to adults, and in multiple languages.                                                                                                                                                                                 
  • We see a future where people using all modes of transportation are attentive, well educated, and respectful of one another.                                      
  • We see a future where bikes, training, and infrastructure are available to people of all ages and abilities in neighborhoods both old and new, with special emphasis on underserved communities and people.

Board of Directors


Nick Baker-

Board of Directors Chair


Nick is a believer in the beneficent power of active transportation and aims to make Washington County a place where all community members — regardless of their age, ability level, or background — can comfortably and conveniently travel by bicycle. Given that transportation accounts for more of Oregon's greenhouse gas emissions than any other sector, he views active transportation, and bicycling in particular, as an important element in the conscientious stewardship of this planet of ours. Nick is a regular bicycle commuter and brings experience in planning, data analysis, cartography, program development, and visual communications to the WashCo Bikes board of directors.



John Haide

Board of Directors- Advocacy Coordinator


I have retired after a career as an electrical engineer with the Bonneville Power Administration then working part
time for REI in Hillsboro for almost 13 years. I grew up in Sherwood, OR and have always loved the outdoors. In addition
to bicycling, I enjoy photography, kayaking, hiking, gardening and woodworking. I have lived in Hillsboro since 1989.
I have been married to my wife, Liz for almost 47 years and we have a daughter, son in law and granddaughters here in
town and a son and daughter in law in southern California.
My biggest interest in bicycling is to see more people cycling, especially as a means to get around our community. I
want to work to promote a more comfortable, safe and complete network of cycling infrastructure in our community
that is accessible to people of all ages and abilities.


Emily Shriver

Board of Directors- Note Taker


Terry Wilson

Board of Director - Health Care Overseer


I’m a retired electrical engineer. My semiconductor career spanned from (RAM) memory design to radio chips used in iPhones and GPS.  I’m constantly amazed at how the industry advanced from a few hundred devices on a chip in the 70’s, to millions of devices on a chip in the 20xx’s.  
Bikes have been a constant throughout my life, first growing up on a small island, to everyday commuting.  I found that bikes not only let me beat the traffic, they also gave me time to think and come up with solutions, whether they be for work or how to fix my bike. I have now taken my passion for working on bikes to a new level, by volunteering as a Washco bike mechanic, getting and keeping more people on bikes.


Wil Warren

Board of Directors 

Steve Boughton- Education Coordinator


Steve has been with the organization since January 2009, and served as the Board Chair from 2012 to 2023.
Steve is a long-time cyclist and touring cyclist.  He has ridden extensively in Europe, New Zealand, Canada, and the US.  He took his first formal bike safety clinic at WashCo BIkes in early 2009 and realized the value of having the concepts and techniques of safe cycling put into a comprehensive easy to understand format.  At the first opportunity after taking the clinic, he signed up to become a League Cycling Instructor (LCI) certified by the League of American Bicyclists and has been teaching these concepts in the Smart Cycling clinics since May of 2009.  Steve believes that knowing what to do and not do when riding with traffic will make people much more confident and safer.  
 Steve was also instrumental in starting our youth bike day camps where youth can learn many of the concepts and techniques of smart cycling as well as having a great time.