Our Affiliates


           Affiliated with


Washington County

Community Bicycle Center


137 NE 3rd Ave.

Hillsboro, OR 97124



Hours: Mon-Sat 10-5pm

Sunday noon to 4pm


Shop Website 

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Our Mission

We make bicyclists and bicycling better in Washington County – through education, encouragement, and advocacy.


We accomplish this mission through inclusive programs that:

  • Promote bicycle transportation
  • Protect bicyclists’ rights and
  • Improve bicycling conditions
  • Promote safe cycling
  • Create lifelong cyclists
  • Encourage recreational bicycling on appropriate streets and multi-use pathways
  • Engage diverse populations

The following are not within the scope of our mission:

  • Mountain biking
  • Acrobatics and trick riding
  • Competitive events (e.g. bike races)

That is, while these items have value in the greater bicycling community and we support partner organizations with this focus, they do not directly support the mission stated above.


We are Washington County Bicycle Transportation Coalition doing business as WashCo Bikes.  We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose members have been a voice for the bicycling community in Washington County, Oregon since 1998.  


WashCo Bikes Board of Directors Has Openings

WashCo Bikes is in a growth phase. We are seeking individuals who are passionate about our mission, and with leadership, organizational management, and communication skills from diverse backgrounds who fully represent the all facets of the bicycling culture in Washington County. Specifically, we are seeing individuals with experience in business, finance or accounting (for the Treasurer position), as well as project management, law, human resources, and general nonprofit management.


WashCo Bikes Board of Directors plays an important and very "hands on" role in the operation and promotion of the organization and its mission. We are a working board in addition to long term planning and management of the organization. Formal board meetings are held once a month. As the organization is still quite small, there are opportunities/needs for board members to take on additional volunteer duties, or pursue special projects outside our formal meetings.





Executive Director- Joe Kurmaskie



Joe Metal Cowboy Kurmaskie joins the rebranded WashCo Bikes, as the executive director. "I'm pumped to invigorate the suburbs and outlying community  west of Portland with exciting new programs while expanding quality existing ones.

Yes, this is an uphill, herculean challenge that I absolutely relish."


More specifics in days to come, but with your help we'll:

  • Create a weekend festival of the wheel around our holiday Adopt A Bike program - including ride, safety rodeo  and bike themed gift fair.
  •  Re-brand and expand our summer bike camps.
  • Create a Freewheeling Festival Of The Bike around our adopt a bike program, including a Bike Craft weekend and holiday ride.
  •  Bring a Sunday Parkways series to all of Washington County.
  •  Expand and grow our community bicycle shop in Hillsboro and new shops/presence countywide.
  •  Create a Mechanics- scholarship and internship program.Expand our advocacy and safety classes, clinics, safe routes and education.

Board Members

Members of our all-volunteer board come from diverse backgrounds and interests with a similar passion for bicycle use, safety, education and recreation. Some of have been with us since we started as the “Squeaky Wheels” formed in 1996 to advocate for better connectivity, infrastructure and support of bicycling as viable transportation within the county.


With 13 cities, Metro, ODOT and Washington County LUT (Department of Land Use and Transportation) to take into account, this has been no small task. Here then, are the list of those currently serving to provide Education, Advocacy and Community to county residents.




Nick Baker




Vice Chair-Board Member


Nick joined the board in October 2020.

Nick is a believer in the beneficent power of active transportation and aims to make Washington County a place where all community members — regardless of their age, ability level, or background — can comfortably and conveniently travel by bicycle. Given that transportation accounts for more of Oregon's greenhouse gas emissions than any other sector, he views active transportation, and bicycling in particular, as an important element in the conscientious stewardship of this planet of ours. Nick is a regular bicycle commuter and brings experience in planning, data analysis, cartography, program development, and visual communications to the WashCo Bikes board of directors.

Emily Shriver




Board Secretary


Emily joined the board in May 2020.  

In the non-profit area she brings experience in mentoring and teaching teenagers, leading volunteers as well as leadership experience in the corporate world. She is an avid bicycle commuter, uses cycling as her primary means of transportation, and enjoys recreational cycling including tandem riding. She looks forward to contributing to WashCo Bikes and improving cycling in the greater Washington County area.

Terry Wilson


Board Member


Terry joined the board in October 2019.


I just retired after a 40 year career as an electrical engineer in the semiconductor industry. My career went from a memory designer to RF product marketing.

Like everyone else who goes to work everyday, I decided there had to be a better way to commute to work. So I decided I would outfit my bike for the task and found I could get to work by bike almost as fast as I could by car and it was a lot less stressful. To keep the bike going I taught myself the basics of being a bike mechanic and found that I really liked working on bikes. After I retired I remembered an article that I read in the Oregonian about WashCo Bikes and it’s mission of being a community resource for all things related to bikes. I decided to see if they needed any volunteer mechanics and have been wrenching and learning more about bikes for the last 2.5 years. The time at the shop also let me experience that for people that knew about us, they really appreciated us being there. It also highlighted the many first timers that didn’t even know we existed. So that made me wonder how we/I could get the word, out and the late Carl Nelson convinced me that joining the board would be an avenue to help make that happen.

Wilbert Warren, Board member

 Wilbert (Wil) Warren, is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of I'm Hooked Inc. Wil's passion for fishing and the appreciation of the great outdoors began during his childhood years of fishing with his father. He has a strong passion for teaching, coaching and developing individuals to believe in themselves so they can reach their full potential. Wil believes in the mission of WashCo Bikes and will bring his passion to engaging youth and families to this program.

Wil is a graduate of Grant High School Class of 1973. Ge graduated from the Western Oregon University with a BA in Social Science and Secondary Education. He attended Warner Pacific College where he earned a master's degree in Religion, specializing in Pastoral Care Counseling.

Wil is also a "Cycling Instructor" with LA Fitness. He enjoys providing the skills that are necessary to enjoy biking in the great outdoors. Wil has been employed in the Social Service industry for 33 years. He utilizes his education, background, experience an mostly his passion for supporting indiviuals to achieve their goals. Warren's philosophy is working to build relationships, partnerships, education, an understanding within all communities by meeting people where they are through love, compassion, dignity, an respect.

John Haide

Board member


John joined the board May 2022


I am 72 and retired after a career as an electrical engineer with the Bonneville Power Administration then working part
time for REI in Hillsboro for almost 13 years. I grew up in Sherwood, OR and have always loved the outdoors.


In addition to bicycling, I enjoy photography, kayaking, hiking, gardening and woodworking. I have lived in Hillsboro since 1989.
I have been married to my wife, Liz for almost 47 years and we have a daughter, son in law and granddaughter here in
town and a son and daughter in law in southern California.

My biggest interest in bicycling is to see more people cycling, especially as a means to get around our community. ZI
want to work to promote a more comfortable, safe and complete network of cycling infrastructure in our community
that is accessible to people of all ages and abilities.